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Renovation Services

If you have an existing building, and you want to do some renovation, we provide service from Architectural Design until Completion, including Submission to Local Authority, forming a consultant team and

site visit & meetings!


Appointment for Consultation 
Provide relevant documents & design Requirements 
Site Visit 
Preliminary Discussion 
Submit Fee Proposal 


Letter of Appointment

Confirm Appointment of Service

- Agreeing on Fee Proposal
- Signing Letter of Appointment
- Confirmation payment


Schematic Design Phase

Appointment of Consultant Team

Schematic Planning & Design Proposal


Submission to Local Authority

PKM Planning Permission & Bomba Plan

Building & Bomba Plan Submission

Possible Fee incurred during submission (Reimbursement)


*The complete submission process might varies by project, to be confirmed with local authority during consultation stage.

*Submisison process above refers to MBPP / MPSP /MPTI


Construction Drawing

Design Development & Construction Drawings

QS to prepare Bill of Quantity (BQ)


Site Construction

Application for Commencement of Work

Provide Project Kick-off Briefing

Regular Site Inspection and Site Meeting

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